Site C Project Supporting Peace Region Community Non-Profits to Generate Opportunities.
The BC Hydro GO Fund provides support to non-profit organizations in the Peace Region to generate opportunities. The fund allocates $100,000 annually for non-profit organizations supporting children, families and seniors to apply for individual grants to a maximum of $10,000 per eligible project.
BC Hydro is committed to investing $100,000 annually through the GO Fund for each year of construction on the Site C Clean Energy Project. This commitment began in 2016 with two $100,000 allocations and has been followed with one $100,000 allocation per year since.
The program aims to support vulnerable populations through financial grants to local non-profit organizations that provide services to children, families and seniors. The GO Fund is targeted to support non-profit organizations serving the communities of Fort St. John, Hudson’s Hope, Taylor, Chetwynd, and residents of Peace River Regional District (Electoral Areas B, C and E). Funding decisions are made by a regional committee with appointees from the communities and rural areas that the Fund is serving.
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Download AllMaximum Grant % Available : 100%
Maximum Grant $ Available : $10,000
Intake Frequency: Tri-annual
The BC Hydro GO Fund will provide grants to eligible non-profit applicants that best meet the program criteria including:
Grant applications will be reviewed tri-annually.
Grant decisions will be made by a regional decision-making committee with appointees from communities and rural areas that the Fund is serving. The application intake deadlines are publicly posted on the Northern Development website.
For program inquiries contact:
Northern Development Initiative Trust
301-1268 Fifth Avenue
Prince George BC V2L 3L2 Canada
Email UsIf you’d like to discuss your project in further detail with Northern Development staff, please contact us by email, phone, or filling out the form below. Also, we encourage you to reach out to us if you think you are eligible for funding for categories that are not specified here.