North Cariboo Grows Awareness About Agriculture

In 2011, North Cariboo Agricultural Marketing Association received a $7,262 grant from Northern Development through the Marketing Initiatives program towards this $25,512 project. This has been a funding partnership of North Cariboo Agricultural Marketing Association, Northern Development, Community Futures North Cariboo, North Cariboo Growers Co-op Association, Quesnel Farmers Market, Rotary Club of Quesnel, and School District No. 28 (Quesnel)

2012-The agriculture sector in the North Cariboo is comprised of a wide variety of family based mixed farms featuring products such as meat, poulty, birch syrup, vegetables, fruit, fibre, wines and honey, as well as accommodation and agritourism experiences.

The North Cariboo Agriculture Industry Awareness and Marketing project is designed to address several key issues, including the lack of agricultural products available, and promotion and marketing of products. In addition, there is a need for farmers in the region to work together in order to have the best information on production, marketing, transportation, distribution and tracking of modern trends. The project is also designed to address the need for an increase in local food production to meet the increasing demand for local foods, and the need to further develop emerging sectors such as agritourism, farm gate sales, and alternative crops.

The North Cariboo Agriculture Awareness and Marketing project will promote agriculture and the associated tourism experiences associated to the local communities and visitors to the region, while supporting the agricultural producers of the North Cariboo. The marketing initiative consists of several components, which include brand development, farm fresh product mapping, highway sign development and installation, an information kiosk, and website enhancement.

Positive Economic Impacts in Quesnel

The North Cariboo Agriculture Awareness and Marketing project will help create long term, healthy, sustainable, and economically diverse communities throughout the North Cariboo region. This project will create partnerships between agencies focused on economic diversification, education, marketing, promotion and agriculture groups.

The benefit to individuals and groups working collectively to promote their products will be realized in terms of reducing costs, less duplication, increased revenue, and increased awareness in the community. The project will create a destination in terms of encouraging visitors to come to the North Cariboo to experience agriculture, agritourism, and urban and rural amenities.

Marketing Initiatives

The Marketing Initiative program provides funding to support new marketing campaigns or projects that position a community or region to take advantage of opportunities that support economic vitality and diversification. These marketing projects must be new initiatives that stand alone from existing marketing activities.

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South Cariboo Agriculture Centre Takes Local Farming Knowledge Online

This Agricultural Web Based Enterpise Tool seeks to develop more viable agriculture business by building value chains for the produce being grown in the Cariboo-Chilcotin region. The marketing initiatives for the Agriculture Web Based Enterprise Tool are a critical component to establishing and continuing measurement sales information. The marketing initiatives…

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