We encourage you to explore hundreds of project success stories and to connect with the people who are building their communities and a stronger regional economy throughout central and northern British Columbia, Canada. Join us in celebrating these successes as we move towards a sustainable future in the vibrant, growing region that is our home.


Northern Development offers a range of funding programs suited to a diverse set of economic development priorities in central and northern British Columbia. Please review our programs and get in touch with us if you have any questions or need any assistance in determining which program is best suited to your needs.

"The goal of this long-term project is to create Western Canada’s premier equine centre in Prince George. Demand is here with the current facilities stretched to the limit with local user groups and individuals year-round, as well as events such as the reining shows in the summer, exceeding our current capacity. What greater place than to have it locally and to attract others from across western Canada."

Joan Chess-Woollacott, former President, Prince George Horse Society

Resolve builds leadership and management skills during COVID-19 pandemic

Resolve Energy Solutions received a $25,000 Small Business Recovery Consulting Rebate to work with a professional consultant to develop and implement techniques to create a high functioning team.

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