We encourage you to explore hundreds of project success stories and to connect with the people who are building their communities and a stronger regional economy throughout central and northern British Columbia, Canada. Join us in celebrating these successes as we move towards a sustainable future in the vibrant, growing region that is our home.


Northern Development offers a range of funding programs suited to a diverse set of economic development priorities in central and northern British Columbia. Please review our programs and get in touch with us if you have any questions or need any assistance in determining which program is best suited to your needs.

"In and around Moberly Lake, there is significant community investment into rural recreation properties and rural homes. The fire truck recharge system allows firefighters to load and reload firefighting apparatus quickly and efficiently to address both residence fires and interface fires. Previously water was always a challenge after the onboard supply was used, especially in the winter months between November and May when the lake was covered in ice. Now an effective shuttle system can provide an endless volume of water year round."

Fred Banham, Chief Administrative Officer, Peace River Regional District

Peace River Regional District Invests In Moberly Lake’s Fire Protection Capabilities

This project has had several positive impacts for the residents of the Moberly Lake area. The installation of the recharge system provides additional fire safety and protection for the area now that firefighters can load the fire trucks with water in the fire hall rather than driving to the lake…

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