Contractor – Supplier Boot Camp – Smithers, B.C.

Event Date: November 06 2012 @ 4:00pm

How local businesses can access the major projects supply chain

There are over $50 billion in major projects and investment opportunities planned in northern B.C. over the next ten to fifteen years.  Millions of dollars of goods and services are needed to support these projects.  Local contractors and suppliers can take advantage of this economic boom.  Are you ready?

You should attend if:

You are a business owner who is interested in learning about the many major industry projects – mining, hydro-electric, LNG terminals, construction, port development – planned and underway in your region.  You want to know how your business can take advantage of these major projects and become part of the local supply chain of goods and services.  You want to find out who can help you get prepared and what it takes to get on the preferred local supplier lists of major companies.

Agenda topics:

To register:

Attendance is limited.  Please reply by email to or to register and reserve your seat.


The Old Church
Corner of 1st Avenue and King Street
Smithers, B.C.

For more information, please contact:

Renata King
Director, Business Development
Northern Development Initiative Trust

ph:  250.561.2525