Robust response to new community development funding programs

December 17, 2020

34 applications received in October for six programs launched in September

On October 31 the first intake for Northern Development’s six new community development funding programs closed. The Trust’s service region provided a hearty response to the new funding programs and each program received applications. Now, Northern Development staff are reviewing all the applications and preparing due diligence reports for each of the Regional Advisory Committees.

In total, 39 funding applications for funding through the community development programs were submitted. The previous year, 29 applications were submitted to the community development programs. The number of applications to each of the funding programs in Fall 2020 are:

“This strong response to our first application intake for the new community development funding programs demonstrates the regional need for these funding opportunities,” said Derek Baker, director of economic development, Northern Development. “Before launching the programs in September 2020, we did extensive community engagement and research to understand what our service region needed to build a stronger north. We look forward to reviewing the applications and learning how organizations hope to leverage our funds to complete their projects.”

All of the applications received in the fall 2020 intake will be presented to the four Regional Advisory Committees during their regular meetings in January.

Learn more about the six new community development funding programs that were launched as part of Trust 2020 in September here.